How to Talk to Your Loved Ones About Drug Addiction

September 6, 2018 6:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Drug addiction is a terrifying problem. It has the potential to consume someone’s life, ruin relationships and even lead to death. If one of your loved ones is struggling with drug addiction, it can be very difficult to communicate with them about these dangers and assist them in seeking help.

Many drug addicts live in denial about their disease and are unwilling to go into a recovery program in Phoenix, AZ. It can be difficult for them to accept help or hear that their struggle with drug abuse is taking a toll on their loved ones. Even still, it’s important for you to maintain open communication with your loved one and attempt to convince them to seek the treatment they need.

The importance of starting a conversation

Speaking up and having a conversation with your loved one is extremely important. You may feel like you are overstepping boundaries, but as long as your input on their addiction is coming from a place of compassion and concern for their wellbeing, you should not feel afraid to try to help.

Talking to your loved one about their addiction can help them realize they are not alone in their struggle and that they have a support system to lean on while they work on recovering.

Personal conversations

The first step to talking to a loved one struggling with addiction should be a one-on-one conversation that comes from a place of love. Starting with an intervention or having too many people involved in the conversation might make your loved one feel overwhelmed or attacked, sometimes resulting in defensive behavior and an unwillingness to change.

Sit down with your loved one and start by saying you’ve noticed their behavior changing recently, or that you’ve noticed they’ve starting using drugs. Explain that you want to check in on them and are concerned about their mental and physical wellbeing. Always avoid placing blame or criticizing.

During this conversation, it’s very important that you take a back seat and listen more than you talk. Make sure the person feels supported and heard, not forced into anything they are unsure of or don’t want to do. Ask them how you can offer them more support and make sure they know they can come to you to talk about their struggles. Also, coming prepared with resources can show that you are invested in helping your loved one make a change.

Your loved one may not be completely receptive at first, and that’s okay. You may need to have multiple conversations over a period of time to build that level of trust and support to a point where they can accept their disease and feel comfortable relying on you for help.

If your loved one refuses to seek help, it’s okay to set boundaries and make them aware of your personal limits if they continue to use drugs. Make sure to express these limits gently, but seriously.


If one-on-one conversations are not working, you and other loved ones of the addict can try hosting an intervention. Interventions require a lot of preparation and planning and should absolutely not be rushed or done on the fly, but they can be very effective when done properly. Sometimes, interventions may benefit from the presence of a professional who will know how to move the conversation along in a productive way.

During your intervention, focus on creating a positive environment where the person with the addiction feels loved and supported, not attacked. Make sure the person is free to leave—don’t trap them or block their exit.

Allow each friend or family member to express how the person’s drug addiction has affected them, calmly and compassionately. The support and expression from multiple people may help your loved one realize how their actions are affecting others they hold dear and be ready to change.

Getting help

If your loved one feels ready to seek treatment for their drug addiction, the next step will be working toward finding the ideal recovery program in Phoenix, AZ. Take your time to research and find suitable programs for your loved one so they feel comfortable and safe during treatment.

At Advanced Sober Living, we offer men of all ages the support they need to recover and develop the skills needed for life after addiction. Our family atmosphere and treatment programs can help you through the difficult stages of drug and alcohol addiction. Call us today for more information.

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