February 21, 2019 12:52 am
Published by Writer
There are few things more devastating than losing a loved one to a drug overdose. Across the United States, addiction to heroin and other opioids is on the rise. The increasing prevalence of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids, meanwhile, is making it more difficult for people with substance abuse disorder to gauge the strength or quality of the drug that they’re consuming. This means that the risk of suffering from an overdose is, in many ways, more significant than ever before. Learning how to recognize the signs of an overdose, help a loved one move toward recovery and assist with... View Article
February 7, 2019 12:52 am
Published by Writer
Substance abuse disorder is a growing health epidemic in the United States. The number of deaths caused by overdose are continuing to rise, and in many areas, addiction treatment is difficult to obtain. Additionally, misinformation and misconceptions about substance abuse and the physical realities of addiction contribute to poor addiction treatment and a lack of understanding regarding the risks of overdose. When overdose occurs, the body has absorbed too much of a toxic substance. Depending on the type of substance that the patient is overdosing on, the symptoms and bodily reaction will appear different, but the end result, barring treatment,... View Article