March 18, 2020 12:04 am
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We all want what’s best for our friends and family. We want them to live long, prosperous and healthy lives. Those goals are hard enough to achieve when things are going well, but when your loved one is suffering from issues related to drug and alcohol dependency, they can be nearly impossible to reach. If you’ve noticed that a friend or family member is showing signs of dependency, it’s vital to express yourself and understand their perspective. That begins with proper communication. Of course, the methods you use to talk to someone struggling with dependency are just as important as... View Article
March 4, 2020 12:04 am
Published by Writer
Throughout the year, people suffering from dependence on alcohol and narcotics are confronted with a variety of reasons to indulge in their inner demons. A good percentage of these moments take the form of holidays where imbibing is almost expected. Drinking and drugs aren’t restricted to St. Patrick’s Day and New Year’s Eve, either. In a lot of public situations, someone who isn’t drinking may feel excluded or ill at ease. Not on Easter, though. Establishing your sobriety before Easter in Phoenix, AZ is a phenomenal idea. With a little inspiration and a few tips, you’ll find that the Easter... View Article
February 18, 2020 1:58 am
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A variety of programs and support networks are available for those who struggle with addiction. Some are more effective than others. If you or a loved one need help on the road to recovery, consider the following reasons why sober houses help in Phoenix, AZ. A sober living situation might be the perfect solution that helps build a foundation for a lifetime of sobriety: Sober environment: Making a commitment to remain sober is the easy part. Keeping that commitment is the challenge. It can be extremely difficult to remain sober when you go back to your old surroundings that are... View Article
February 7, 2020 2:52 am
Published by Writer
Many addicts turn to alcohol and drugs to tolerate mental health conditions. The stigma with mental health issues often leads people to denial and avoid getting help. However, this never benefits quality of life and often holds people back from reaching their full potential. Mental health awareness is preferable to keeping these issues under a dark cloud, and will help those in Phoenix, AZ who suffer from these conditions seek treatment. Here are five ways to beat mental health stigma: Talk openly: Those who suffer physical conditions are often open about sharing with people when they need extra help. Your... View Article
February 4, 2020 1:58 am
Published by Writer
Some days are tougher on sobriety than others. Sobriety on St. Patrick’s Day in Phoenix, AZ can be particularly challenging. This holiday has become less about lucky shamrocks and cute leprechauns and more about green beer and drinking fests. So how are you supposed to resist while everyone around you is imbibing? Use these tips. Know your triggers What events and activities surrounding this holiday might prompt you to take a drink? Maybe a meal of corned beef and cabbage won’t seem right without a beer. Or maybe you know you can’t hang out with your Irish cousins without being... View Article